Where to Stash Extra Cash – Can Savings Bonds Help?

Where to Stash Extra Cash – Can Savings Bonds Help?

When it comes to financial circumstances, we are susceptible to reacting differently than we anticipate. That is because our money is inextricably connected with our emotions. Do I fear further losses? Or am I excited to invest more? Both reactions, though opposite,...

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Why Tax Planning Matters

Why Tax Planning Matters

Check out the PDF below on Why Tax Planning Matters. Please bring a copy of your most recent tax return to your next review meeting, and we can take it from there.

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Spring Cleaning for Finances

Spring Cleaning for Finances

As the emergence of the spring weather reminds us to clear the clutter from the closets and spruce up the yard, our finances often need a spring cleaning, too. Perhaps no month is timelier for honing financial knowledge than April. Perched perfectly between the winter...

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Key Financial Data 2022

Key Financial Data 2022

If you are interested in the new numbers affecting taxes, retirement contributions, health savings, Medicare, and more, please read our download the PDF below to have on hand.

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Insights Regarding Inflation

Insights Regarding Inflation

An economic reality on the minds of many these days is inflation.  Due to a worldwide pandemic, our economy was largely shut down.  Subsequently, money was distributed to the American people to avoid recession.  Now the challenge is that as demand...

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